Lorenzo Paleari

Lorenzo Paleari, PhD

Research Fellow

Address: Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1 – 00133, Rome
Office: sector E, floor 1, room 31

Tel: +39 06 7259 4273
Email: lorenzo.paleari@uniroma2.it

Research topics:
  • Design, manufacturing and characterization of polymers and polymer composite materials
  • New materials for additive layer manufacturing (3D printing)
  • Multifunctional composite materials: smart, self-monitoring,
Curriculum Vitae:

Dr. Lorenzo Paleari received his Bachelor’s Degree (2016) and Master’s Degree (2019) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Rome Tor Vergata, with a specialization in manufacturing engineering. As master’s thesis, he worked in collaboration with the European Space Agency’s ESTEC facilities for the development and characterization of 3D-printed magnetic composite materials with high-performance space-compliant polymers.
Since November 2019, Mr. Lorenzo Paleari is a Ph.D. student in Design, Manufacturing and Operations Engineering at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, department of Enterprise Engineering. His doctoral research project, in Prof. Francesca Nanni’s group, focuses on the Additive Manufacturing of multifunctional polymer-matrix composite materials, with special emphasis on self-monitoring materials.

2019 – 2023

PhD Program in Operations Design, Manufacturing and Operations EngineeringUniversity of Rome “Tor Vergata”

2016 – 2019

Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering – University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

Specialization: Manufacturing engineering
Thesis: “Preparation and characterization of NdFeB composite filaments for FDM printing for space applications”

2013 – 2016

Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering – University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

Thesis: “A study on technologies, materials and processes of Additive Manufacturing”

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