ECNP conference in Łódź (Poland)

The 11th ECNP (European Centre for Nanostructured Polymers) conference has just concluded! 🌏

Our group joined European researchers in the welcoming Politechnika Łódzka (Poland) for four days of fruitful and stimulating presentations and posters!

We had the honour to present some of our humble research works:

  • 🏭 Prof Francesca Nanni with an informative keynote lecture on
    Polymeric and composite multifunctional materials in advanced industrial applications“.
  • ♻️ Dr Mario Bragaglia with an oral presentation on
    Additive Manufacturing of self monitoring bio-based SWCNT-loaded resins
  • 🚀 Dr Lorenzo Paleari with a poster on
    In situ resources for the future space colonization: 3D-printed magnetic composites and nanocomposites from Lunar resources

A great thanks to the ECNP organising committee for the amazing job and dedication!

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