

DRASTIC: Digitalized Smart and Sustainable Concrete

EPICURE: European Packaging for highly Integrated Circuits for Reliable Electronics

DISCOVERY: 4D-printed Stimuli-responsive Scaffolds Personalized devices Endoscopic surgery

ISIDE: Intelligent Systems for Infrastructural Diagnosis in smart-concretE

INTEGRATE: soft and water-based artificial muscles alimented by metabolic energy.

ZIMuX: Zero Impact Multifunctional 3D printed composite materials for biomedical and industrial applications in the next generation society

STIMA4S: Stimuli Responsive Materials 4D for Space

3D-PolMet: 3D printing di Strutture Metalliche Aerospaziali da Feedstock Polimerici

Recently completed

ESA OSIP: Development of new 3D printed magnetic materials for space applications

ASSARTA: Assiemi strutturali secondari avanzati realizzati con tecnologia additiva

ElastALM: Additive Layer Manufacturing di elastomeri multifunzionali per la produzione di smart-parts

SCAMP: Smart Components mediante Additive Manufacturing Polimerico

Latest posts

INTEGRATE project on Swiss TV

The INTEGRATE project was recently featured in the “Il Giardino di Albert” science program on...

Toward sustainable rubber compounds

We are proud to announce our latest publication in the Journal of Applied Polymer Science...

Project INTEGRATE kick-off

The EIC INTEGRATE Pathfinder project is off and running! On 9 and 10 June 2022...
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